Saturday, September 12, 2009

ch ch ch changes...

Many things have been happening in the past few days, and I apologize for not keeping you all up to date on them. Life can get quite busy when you are having a good time.
Here, in the form of a list, is a summary:
-I started Portuguese classes at a nearby language school
-I have learned to ride the bus, although I am not the most efficient at picking the correct buses to take...
-I moved in with a lovely host family. Claudia and Juraci have welcomed me warmly along with their daughters Kellen(14) and Karen(12). I get along with the girls especially well because of my knowledge of High School Musical and Hannah Montana (Thanks to Robyn for that one)
-oh, and my new house is an old fitness center, so it is huge. I feel like I am in a castle. I even have my own balcony and bathroom. very nice...
-I have purchased a Bible in Portuguese and have begun to read it aloud with the girls to practice my pronunciation. To make it fair, I make them take turns reading verses in English as well. :-)
-I have stopped counting bug bites because I am quite certain I am the most popular target in the entire state of Pernambuco.
- and I am still loving it all.

Thanks for the prayers about language difficulties. Things have improved very much since my last post. I am able to get around alone with general vocaubulary and broken grammer, but enough to be understood.
I ask for prayers for me and my host family. To be able to continue to communicate well, and also that I do not accidentally offend them in any way. And also continued prayers for language studying. It is a long trek, and I have only just started.
Love you all! And please write if you are able! A quick email, letter, or similar corespondance is much appreciated no matter how small or trivial you might think it is!
oh, and I´ll try to post pictures of my new digs and family soon.

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