Monday, August 17, 2009

...and she's still in Akron...

All the SALTers, IVEPers, and YAMENers have now departed, leaving me and two other SALTers behind. The other two will leave Saturday as planned for them, but I will be here indefinately as I wait for my vsia to come. Pray that it comes soon!
In the meantime, I've kept myself busy with a mixture of volunteering, learning Portuguese, socializing with my new Mennonite friends and neighbors, and reading about the history of Brazil. Not a bad set up I suppose, but it's still not Brazil.
I spent this morning with the other two SALTers packing school kits to be sent to kids around the globe. MCC is all about efficiency and resourcefulness, so I was in heaven. The bags had to be packed just so in order for the kits to maximize space. I love assembly lines and efficiency, so I could see myself heading back over there numerous times before this stay of mine is over.
There is a couple here, Daryl and Jean, who have lived in Brazil for a one year term with MCC. They have been so kind to share their stories and experiences with me and Anya (my partner in appropriate technology crime. She is already in Brazil begining her in-country orientation). Daryl is going to be teaching me Portuguese while I am here, which is wonderful.
The community here is great. All of the MCC staff are making sure that me and the other SALTers are doing alright and adjusting to the fact that we're not on our assignments yet. It is tough to see everyone go and hear about the adventures they're already having, but I assure you, I plan to have a few adventures of my own here in Akron. :-)

love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Annie!! We miss you so much and you haven't even (technically) left yet. Keep on being efficient and great, much love from California.
