Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ups and Downs

After my exciting news about my visa being approved, I am sad to say that I now sit with no visa in my hand. My dad (quite a saint) went to the consulate in Chicago on Monday to pick up the visa, only to find that the consulate had lost some of my forms. These forms are apparently crutial to the visa process (although i ask if they were so crutial, why did they lose them?) and so they would not give my Dad the visa. Instead (I find out at 4:30), I had to quickly fill out new forms and express mail them at the post office which closed at 5:00. After much rushing around the office, Kathy and I pulled up to the post office at 4:55 and successfully mailed the documents. Now the process is once again in the consulate's hands, and they will ship the finished visa to me in PA when it is all done!

It is slightly frustrating, but also a good learning experience to gain some patience and perseverence. My work here in Akron at the Material Resrouce Center is going very well, and maybe it is just not complete. God wants to give me a little more time here for whatever reason.

When my visa was supposed to come in on Monday, my parents and Robyn had planned to drive it to me for one last goodbye and set of hugs. When the bad news arrived, I was so down in the dumps, my family decided to still come and visit. It was such a blessing to have them here, to see all of the wonderful people I have gotten to know, and all the wonderful work these people do.

One of the most inspiring things about working at the Material Resource Center is the perseverence and willing spirit of the older folks who regularly come to volunteer. People with physical disabilities regularly come in, doing whatever they can to make a difference. No matter how slow they might do their job, or how much explaining they need to learn how to accomplish a new task, they do it with smiles and good spirits. That place is alive and running because of all the wonderful retirees who spend their time there, and every little bit of work helps. Let that be a lesson to us all, able bodied or not. Every bit helps. Never doubt that. Pitch in when and where you are able. We all have gifts to offer and wonderful things can be accomplished when we put them all together.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Great news!

There is finally word on the status of my visa! It has supposedly been approved today in Brasilia, and they will send word to the consulate in Chicago, and the Chicago consulate will pass my visa off to my parents, who will then drive it to me in Akron to say goodbye one last time! Hoorah!

It feels very strange though. I have almost gotten settled in here, and since I wasn't sure how temporary this arrangement would be, I decided to fully invest myself here, not wanting to risk losing valuable time for living and being joyful in life. Because I have really jumped in to the community here, it feels very strange leaving so soon. But then again, I didn't do SALT to live in Akron. I did it to work in Brazil:-)

Today, I spent the day at the Material Resource Center once again, where I finally learned how to weave rugs! The rugs are made from old pairs of jeans and corduroys cut into long skinny strips, and also neckties. They are woven together on huge looms, which I have been eyeing ever since I got to MRC. Today I finally asked the kind man (Roy- whose last name is awesomely enough Weaver) if he would be willing to teach me, and sure enough, he was! He gave my my own loom to work on, and I made about 1.5 rugs.

I thought I should post some pictures today, since pictures are the best part about blogs. Although the pictures aren't of tarantulas and rain forests quite yet, they do give you a glimpse into what I've been up to around Akron.

Me and Anya with our Brazilian friends at orientation

Crazy pic with some of the IVEPers and YAMENers :-)

Do you like my hat? (It's Puthehi's from Lesotho)

Music team for the closing service of orientation.

Me with my first rug! (and my faithful teacher Roy)

Monday, August 17, 2009

...and she's still in Akron...

All the SALTers, IVEPers, and YAMENers have now departed, leaving me and two other SALTers behind. The other two will leave Saturday as planned for them, but I will be here indefinately as I wait for my vsia to come. Pray that it comes soon!
In the meantime, I've kept myself busy with a mixture of volunteering, learning Portuguese, socializing with my new Mennonite friends and neighbors, and reading about the history of Brazil. Not a bad set up I suppose, but it's still not Brazil.
I spent this morning with the other two SALTers packing school kits to be sent to kids around the globe. MCC is all about efficiency and resourcefulness, so I was in heaven. The bags had to be packed just so in order for the kits to maximize space. I love assembly lines and efficiency, so I could see myself heading back over there numerous times before this stay of mine is over.
There is a couple here, Daryl and Jean, who have lived in Brazil for a one year term with MCC. They have been so kind to share their stories and experiences with me and Anya (my partner in appropriate technology crime. She is already in Brazil begining her in-country orientation). Daryl is going to be teaching me Portuguese while I am here, which is wonderful.
The community here is great. All of the MCC staff are making sure that me and the other SALTers are doing alright and adjusting to the fact that we're not on our assignments yet. It is tough to see everyone go and hear about the adventures they're already having, but I assure you, I plan to have a few adventures of my own here in Akron. :-)

love you all!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Starting Off in Akron!

Let me start off by saying a huge THANK YOU to all the people who have made it possible for me to take this huge leap of faith and begin a new adventure. I couldn't have done it without your support in so many ways. In a way, you are all here with me because knowing all of my friends and family have formed me into the person I am now.
Before leaving for Brazil, me and the other SALT (serving and learning together) program participants need to spend a week here in Akron PA for orientation at the MCC offices here. We are joined by two other programs worth of participants- IVEP and YAMEN (other lovely acronyms of which the meanings have escaped me)- are two programs that bring international young adults to either the U.S. for service, or to other foreign countries. As a result, we all have a great cross cultural experiences here in Akron with many languages and cultures being shared as we live, eat, worship, and talk together. 
It is so beautiful to see the beauty that God has created through all of the diversity here. I love to hear languages, try dances, talk about new foods, and worship together. This is the experience I have always wanted, and even more than I had hoped. I am thriving in this environment and I hope that this feeling will continue throughout the year.
I ask for prayers for the next few weeks, as my visa has still not arrived. It could be several weeks after orientation, and until it comes, I will stay in Akron volunteering at the Material Resource Center (a large warehouse where many wonderful things are crafted out of recycled and donated materials), and also doing odds and ends around the MCC grounds. I love it here, and it will be a great experience to stay, but it will still be hard to see all my new friends leave when I must stay here. 
Thank you for your support! I hope you are all well!